After two weeks, Izzy and I finally returned to school. As we walked into Dayview High, we were greeted by a lot of the other kids, including the popular kids who had previously told us to "Go die in a hole, you stupid freaks."."Hmm... apparently the 'stupid freaks' have a schoolwide fan club."."Yeah, that's cool and all but doesn't it seem a little suspicious to you Izzy?"."Not really. I mean, come on, it's hard not to love us." She glanced at me and said,"Well, atleast me."."Yeah right. You have the appearance of a normal human. I have these bad boys." I pointed to my wings, and she gave me her signature 'fair enough' look. "So, are we going to meet up with our boyfriends for lunch?"."You go ahead. I'm still not so sure I can face them yet, regardless of if that was or wasn't them in the lab."."If you don't face them sooner or later, they might get kinda suspicious, don't you think? And even though Kai doesn't remember that, he's been really worried about you. I did my whole mind reading thing, and he's afraid that you've been cheating on him."."That idiot, I wouldn't cheat on him. Ugh, I guess we're going to have to explain to them what happened, but not at lunch. Invite them both over and we can tell them after school."."Sounds good to me. Let's go eat with our boys, then.". Then, someone tapped on my shoulder."Um.. excuse me?". We both turned around to see a short, petite girl with long, straight black hair. "I heard you two talking about a lab? Do you mean the lab where they make chimeras and things like that?"."'ve heard of this lab?"."Um...well, yes. I was actually born there. Some of the prisoners escaped a few weeks ago and helped me get out. I just hope my friend is okay... she was younger than we are.. she was a kitsune and dragon you know what happened to her?". Izzy looked shocked and relieved all at the same time. "So you are the girl my sister won't stop talking about. Hi, Raven, I'm Izzy, Kat's older sister." All I was thinking by then was on the lines of Whaaaaaaaaat? "You're the ones who rescued us all! Thank you so much! Let me formally introduce myself, my name is Raven Stormwing, and I am a dark angel chimera." She looked puzzled while staring at my blacked wings. "Are you a chimera, too?". "Nope, I'm the real deal. And the correct term is 'fallen angel', thank you very much. My name is Rose.". "Come on Raven, you can come sit at our table with us. You should come over to my place later too."."Really?! That's very kind of you, thank you." And so on this day, we gathered more evidence that we aren't insane, and possibly a new friend.
Writer's Note - Thank you guys for all the views that's so awesome! 156 views and counting. Not bad, Rose, not bad.
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