Monday, April 30, 2012

Alarms, Cyborgs, and The Lab is Going Down!

When I woke up, I was in my room, snuggled in my blanket on the bottom bunk. My noisy alarm clock was doing it's usual obnoxious beeping, so I pressed the snooze button and buried my head back underneath my pillow. But as soon as I laid back down, it all came back to me. Everything that had happened hit me all at once. The image of Kai, bloody and bruised, Izzy and Kat being untied and let out of the glass chamber, and... Rain and Lily. My only reminder that I had really been an angel and not just some winged only proof of only family on Earth...they were gone. It wasn't long before the sobs hit me, and the only reason I stopped was because my alarm went off again. I forced myself out of the bed, careful not to hit my head on the top bunk like I did in our prison cell. As soon as I went downstairs, I was greeted by Ms. G, our "care-taker" in the foster home. "Some of your friends told me where you've been..."."What do you mean?"." It was Kai's brother. He said you had been on a school trip somewhere out of state. Did you have fun?"."Oh, that... not really... Rain and Lily decided to stay there..."."Well, that's a shame. Leaving their sister here by herself."."Yeah.. I'm going to school now.". As she gave me the usual good-bye hug and blueberry muffin for breakfast, I grabbed my bag and headed out the door. I couldn't decide between going to Kai's house or going to our usual meeting spot. I decided to just fly up to where I could see both places, and if he wasn't either walking out of his door or waiting for me down the street, I was going to his house. As soon as I unfurled my wings and took off, I was greeted with the temporary bliss of flight. But as soon as I saw both the places empty, I sped to his house, and dropped my muffin. "Crap! Now I don't have breakfast." Still kind of sad abut my muffin, I landed directly in front of his door, which apparently scared Kai, who was just getting out of the door. "What the h- oh it's just you..." He let out a huge sigh, and as I looked him over, he appeared to be perfectly fine. "How did you heal so quickly?"."Heal? From what?". "You mean... you don't remember???"."Again, what?"."Oh crap... sorry Kai can't walk with you today. I need to find Izzy."."Bu-". I lifted off again, kicking dirt into his face. "Sorry, babe!". As I flew toward Izzy's house, I wasn't prepared to crash into her, head first. "Crap.... Rose that really flippin' hurt."."Izzy! Are you okay?"."From the crash? Yes. From the horrible and scarring memory of your sisters being burned alive? No."."So I'm not crazy."."What do you mean? That's not something you just imagine."."I went to Kai's place. He doesn't remember a thing..."."Seriously?"."This must be Jay's fault....Jay.. I'll kill that son of a bi-.". As I began punching the thin air, Izzy had to restrain me. "Rose. Rose! That wasn't Jay. Jay doesn't remember anything like can't be him...". With a large groan, I turned around to face her. "Oh, you're still stuck on him? He killed my sisters and made me think Kai was dead too! And you're telling me it wasn't him?!"."No, Rose, it wasn't him. Didn't you try to read his mind, even once? It was blank, right? That's because the Jay we saw there was a cyborg. Jay would never do that to his own brother, especially since they are the only thing they've got. Without the other, there is not life in either."."So.. that wasn't Jay?"."No, it wasn't. Not the real one. I still have no clue who runs the laboratory we were in, but I know exactly where it is."."How do you know that?"." Photographic memory."."What'd you photograph?"." The map. It had the exact coordinates on the bottom left corner."."Way to go Izzy! Wait... where's Kat?"."At home, asleep. She's just going to rest for a while, given she's totally freaked out by all the stuff in our house, wait'll she see's a Wal-Mart. The kid is going to go nuts."."Can't wait. I'll make sure to be there for that expedition."."I'll make sure you are too. I think we should do the same for a while. Still go to school and stuff, the occasional date, but from now on they need to be somewhere public, where they can't just come snatch us up like last time."."Gotcha. And we definitely need to try to be less obvious. Well, at least in my case.". Izzy looked a her watch. "Um...lets go ahead and get to school. We're only about ... 30 minutes late for homeroom."."Crap! Last one there's a rotten dragons egg!". I sped off, as usual and Izzy was right behind me. "Hey! Part dragon here!". "You're still gonna lose!"

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