Sunday, April 8, 2012

Secrets, Suprises, and Hope

So, it's been a couple of weeks since I met Izzy, and we have become the best of friends! She actually invited me over to her house for a sleepover. My first, real sleepover! We pretty much just drew a lot of random stuff and now have a box to keep each others drawings and notes in and we have decided that once they are completely full, we will put our boxes in a time capsule. But I finally figured out what she is. Have you ever heard of a chimera? It is a name for a creature that has traits of multiple species, like a gryphon for example. Head and wings of an eagle, body of a lion. Or they could be, for example, part human, kitsune and dragon. When she morphed from her human form to full chimera, I almost didn't believe it was her. You could still see her human features, like her long blonde hair and her face. But her eyes turn to this glowing green and you can see her dragon claws, on her feet and hands, dragon wings, her fox ears and all nine of her magical tails. I could see the whole world from home and I've never seen anything more amazing. She also showed me how powerful her magic can be, and it left me speechless. I'd love to see a regular human try to move around the stars while barely needing to concentrate. And there is a form of magic where your power comes from your voice. She sang the most beautiful tune and summoned a phoenix. As is it would compare to what she could do, I did a few tricks myself. I proved that I could talk to her not with my mouth, but with my mind. Then she asked about my wings, and I explained to her why I was here. She told me hers. She was only six. Her Father worked in a science lab that experimented with humans and animals alike. When he wasn't looking, the other scientists took her and they did to her what they did to all the other children. They beat her with clubs until she was unconcious and changed her into what she is now. When her father found out, he tryed to escape with her. She made it out, bruised and sore, but they shot him in the head before he could get out. I was in tears. We then swore to stay side by side and to help each other. I was to help her avenge her father, and she was to help me find a way back to heaven. And for the first time, I had hope that I would get to go home.

1 comment:

  1. Bro, lol My blog sucks compared to yours. I didn't know you was an angel til the sleepover! Like forreal, that is some CRAYZAY stuff.
